Testimonial 9


I’ve been through 2 very different pregnancies and births with the amazing midwives at PSBC and I can’t imagine having my future children with anyone else. The women here truly care about you, your mental health and your baby. They are professional while also very warm and welcoming. I have formed a great relationship with all 3 of the midwives at PSBC - when I was struggling in a postpartum appointment after my daughter’s birth and told them that I hadn’t eaten much that day, Val immediately asked if I wanted to eat and they warmed up some Thai food for me that was left from their staff lunch while we had our appointment! Those are the kinds of things that show these women really are here for you however they possibly can be, even if that’s going outside their job description. My son’s birth ended with a transfer to the hospital and it was such a smooth process - our student midwife Michelle even stayed with us in the hospital until my son was born, which I really appreciated so much! When more babies are in our near future, we will for sure be coming back to PSBC. I would recommend to anyone looking for more personal care during their pregnancy and are striving for a healthy, natural childbirth experience.


Testimonial 10


Testimonial 8