Courtney Smith MSM, LM, CPM

I was born in the panhandle of Idaho and have resided in Washington state for the last 26 years.  I began my family very early in life and have been blessed with three outstanding children. My medical experience started in 2008 when I began working as a medical assistant with the University of Washington’s Department of Family Medicine. This work exposed me to a wide variety of people and their needs. In 2014, I graduated from Washington State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Social Science. I wanted to expand my scope of practice and was drawn to midwifery after attending my neighbor’s birth and the birth of my nephew. I was lucky enough to find a stellar midwifery training in my own backyard and completed my Master of Science in Midwifery with a Botanical Medicine focus at Bastyr University in 2019. I have attended hundreds of births since I began and have sat with clients for thousands of prenatal/postpartum & newborn visits. One of the many reasons I love midwifery so much is that I have the privilege of educating and advocating for clients to be a part of the decision making process during their pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

When I am not in clinic or at a birth, most of my free time is spent playing on the floor, reading children’s books, and picking up after my kids.  My partner and I are certified divers, so we love to swim and scuba dive if time (and childcare) allows. I also enjoy cooking, making herbal tinctures, and drinking coffee!

I feel fortunate to serve this amazing community at PSBC, it’s a beautiful community that I have been a part of for many, many years! I feel right at home here.


Micki Persons, Director


Amanda Ferre (née Engholm), MSM, LM CPM